Friday, August 16, 2013

You've Won My Heart Parts 3, 4, and 5!

I realize my blog entries are getting to be a bit redundant! Sorry about that! I hope to put up some more varied content soon. I started teaching half time which, as all teachers know, takes a whole lot more than 20 hours each week. August makes most of us crazy as we start new school years and adjust to new schedules, so I keep telling myself to relax (ha!) and let a few things go until we're all on solid ground again. We'll get there, right?!

So, I want to congratulate my good friend Mindi Winstanley for being the first to find the numbering error that I missed but that Bethany quickly caught. Originally, I started a new chapter each time I changed character perspectives, but my publisher thought that was way too many chapters. So, she combined several of them into longer chapters. However, somehow we both missed the fact that while we did make Chapters 5, 6, and 7 part of Chapter 4, we forgot to renumber everything else. When Bethany showed me that the book goes from Chapter 4 to Chapter 8, I panicked at first thinking we had omitted three chapters! Nope. Just a numbering thing! This will be fixed in the next printing!

This week's stained glass heart winner is Trish Vagneur! Trish is the secretary at Broadway Elementary, and she definitely keeps the place organized and running smoothly! On top of that, she runs food drives and other charitable events that Broadway kids can participate in to help less fortunate kids in our community. Trish is also the queen of recycling! I am afraid to throw away anything in the building for fear that I'll put it in the wrong trash bin!! Thanks, Trish, for all you do for our kids, our community, and our planet! :)

Now, for next week's winner, to make up for being late this week! Our dear friend Jeanne Robinson is the winner of the 5th heart! I met Jeanne when I met my husband, over 19 years ago. They were neighbors before we met and became good friends. Jeanne and her kids inspire me with their deep faith and their powerful family bonds. Despite many painful experiences, Jeanne keeps smiling, and she spends her life bringing joy to so many other people. Jeanne, we are honored to call you and your kids our friends! Thanks for being such an awesome example of how to keep believing even when it's really, really hard. You've endured so much and yet you never use that as an excuse to give up. I'll put your heart in the mail next week!

I know this was a long entry! Sorry...I'm wordy! :)

Thanks, always, for reading! Have a great weekend!

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